
What is Website ?

Website Types

There are a lot of types with various purpose :

  • Blogs

A blog sometimes use by individual to writes some articles and issues from their own prospective.

  • Forums

A forum is a discussion board for the forum’s member to discuss their hobby and interest.

  • News

This is like a digital forms of newspaper and magazine.

  • E-commerce

Designed specially for shopping, E-commerce website allows buyer and seller to do their transaction online instead of visiting the physical store.

  • Social media

Like Facebook or Instagram, which gives their users the opportunity to interact with each other and meet new people online.

Baca Juga:  Easy Step How To Perfectly Design a Website

Before building a website, It is important to decide first what type of website are you planning to build and for what purpose. When using a CMS there are a lot of kind of layouts and templates to choose depend on what type are you trying to build.

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