
What is Website ?

Website Structure

A website use URL form to be accessed with web browser, simply write the URL directly or using search engine to find it.

It consist a homepage which is the main page of the site, and the homepage connecting all of the webpages within the site in a form of hyperlink which can be use to navigate throughout all the webpages.

Another section from a website is footer which is places at the bottom of webpages. The footer contain some information about the site itself including a link to external and other resources.

Creating a Website

Before start building a site it is better to understand HTML code, writing and editing HTML code can be done with any text editor and if you understand HTML code, you can customize to add some HTML content and elements into the site.

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Beside HTML code, you can also add CSS and JavaScript code for styling the layout to make it looks better and interesting.

However, not many people understand HTML code or how to write it. so, with that issue in mind many providers like WordPress and Wix develop a platform called Content Management System (CMS). Using CMS you can easily build any website with drag and drop feature which even a beginner can use.