website design

Easy Step How To Perfectly Design a Website

4. Research Competitor Website Design

Make your website look more appealing and in order to do that, do a research for your website competitor. Learn more about their approach and various elements they are using to attract more customer.

For example to build a website for travel and accommodation business, convenience is the key. So, do a research from another travel and accommodation website, you can learn of their color pattern and what color they are using with most comfortable feel. Because each color contain different psychological aspect.

Working on Website Design

1. Layout Design

Layout is drafting and organize website elements to make it become more appealing and interesting to view. Three main elements which needs to organize is Header, Body, and Footer.

Organizing layout is the most important thing to do before continue with other design process. Drafting and organizing layout can be done with wireframe, mockup, or prototype. You can utilize online tools for this process, especially wireframe which is the simplest one.

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2. Visual Appearance

A design can be serves as a message, with a good visual appearance can be done with manipulate the design so it can highlight specific element and give visitor the most important information they are looking for.

A good visual appearance can help every visitor find your website information and purpose in a short time.

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3. Navigation

Every visitor who come to your website have different piece of mind, for example a visitor come to your website through frontpage and directly looking for your products/service prices, or a visitor who come to find out about the features, or even a visitor who looking for your company profile.

Therefore, navigation between pages must be organize to be simple and easy to understand because every visitor have different purpose and experience when they are visiting your website. If they cannot find what they are looking for, they will surely leave immediately.

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4. Grid Arrangement

Grid arrangement is important to make your website become mobile friendly, it’s role is to organize your website structure.

Even though it’s invisible, grid arrangement can be really helpful for website design process. For example, it can make stability between website elements and it cane also help your website being able to adapt to various screen size.

5. Color Selection

After drafting a layout, the next step is to choose the right color for your website.

As mentioned before, color can become an important role in design. The color you are using for your website design will reflect your website environment as well as the purpose. For example, blue color have a calming feel so that travel and accommodation business are generally using this color for their website.

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Not only that, color also can determine your target visitor. If you use pink color, then most of your visitor will probably a woman. And if you want to appeal for baby or child products, it’s recommended to use a gentle color like pastel colors.

6. Typography

Typography is one of layout art and font selection. In website design, typography have a role to harmonize with your layout draft. As a result, overall of your website appearance will become more attractive.

With the right typography, visitor can easily obtain your website’s information. The things you need to do to make the right typography is choosing a font that are easy to read with proportional size and appropriate spacing between letters.

Use different types of font each for Heading, Body, and other elements. Every elements requires different font regarding the information you want to deliver.

Not only that, typography is also needed for branding and an effort to build your website identity.